We provide training for all individuals involved in medicines handling and administration. The type of training is tailored to job role, type of setting (hospital, care home, community, homecare), location of the service (England, Scotland or Wales) and the depth of knowledge required. Training is delivered face-to-face by our pharmacists either at your location or at our training facility. If those wishing to attend are spread over a large geography, or at times of restricted interaction, we can deliver these courses remotely, using an engaging and interactive online platform.
The types of courses delivered are tailored to the delegates attending with learning objectives being agreed prior to session delivery.
We provide accredited courses for non-registrants, to provide them with the underpinning knowledge required to administer medication to service users. We can also carry out assessments of competence to ensure that the knowledge acquired during the training courses are transferred into practice.
We deliver bespoke courses for registrants where the learning objectives and course content are carefully adapted to meet the specific needs of the group. The range of courses provided is extensive and flexible, covering relevant topics such as ‘Rapid Tranquillisation’, ‘Administering to Patients Detained under the Mental Health Act’, and ‘Covert Administration’.
Our in-house courses are designed by our pharmacist trainers and cover a number of areas of competence from the obtaining, receiving, storing, administration, record-keeping and disposal of medicines, amongst many more. Content can be tailored to the relevant policies in place at your orgnanisation.
Our accredited courses are underwritten by a professional body to meet the needs of our delegate groups. For example, non-registrant teams can be trained to have an awareness of medicines right through to training on more direct topics, such as administering invasive medicines.
Organisations are required to perform Competency Assessments on all individuals who administer medicines. Speeds Healthcare can do this for you, or, alternatively, we can train key individuals within your organisation to undertake this activity and provide them with all the documentation required.