COVID-19 Advice

Speeds Healthcare are undertaking control measures and have contingency plans to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on our services to patients and clients.

Simple measures that everyone can implement are given below together with advice on what to do if unwell.

The latest information about the outbreak can be found here:

UK Government: COVID-19 response    |    World Health Organisation: COVID-19 Outbreak

What can everyone do?

The simplest action everyone can take is to maintain self-discipline on infection control measures.

This will help to reduce the spread of the virus, and includes:

  • Washing hands frequently.  When washing, do so for at least 20 seconds (the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice)
  • Avoiding close contact with others who are coughing or sneezing (at least one metre)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Cough or sneeze into your bent elbow or tissue (discarding immediately)
  • Stay informed about the latest developments using the links above

When working in healthcare settings, you can extend the above measures to other positive infection control measures:

  • Ensure oral syringes are not shared between patients
  • Ensure environments are regularly cleaned and disinfected
  • Ensure disposables cups used for medicines administration are not re-used.

What if I feel unwell?

If you display symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing you should self-isolate and contact NHS 111 for advice, or complete their online form here: NHS 111 COVID-19

Self-isolation means you should:

  • stay at home
  • not go to work, school or public places
  • not use public transport or taxis
  • ask friends, family members or delivery services to do errands for you
  • try to avoid visitors to your home – it’s OK for friends, family or delivery drivers to drop off food

You may need to do this for up to 14 days to help reduce the possible spread of infection.

If you require any further specific advice from the Speeds Healthcare team on COVID-19 then contact our team on 0843 506 55 66.

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