There’s no better way to review your processes than to have an external independent audit of the medicines management practices that operate within your organisation. That’s why we provide hospitals and care homes with extensive medication management audits undertaken by our specialist pharmacy team
Our on-site audit comprehensively covers all aspects of medicines management from receipt to administration records and typically last up to 6 hours. During audits, aspects reviewed include: medicines storage, the clinic room environment, record keeping, administration records, controlled drugs, ordering and receipt and disposal amongst many others. Following an audit, top-line feedback is given on the day followed by receipt of a comprehensive written report. If there are concerns highlighted they are recorded and evidenced, with recommendations. From this a clear action plan is produced.
Our clients consider this an essential and comprehensive review of their medicines management handling practices and many schedule these in at least annually and/or will use the audit to benchmark different sites against each other. Furthermore, we can support organisations with implementation and achievement of all recommendations made.
Our medicines management audits may be optionally extended to combine the following:
Prescription Chart Audit (for hospitals)
Level 1: identification of prescription card writing errors, compliance with MHA, and administration errors.
Level 2: review of charts and patient notes to assess clinical appropriateness of prescribing
Audit of patient medicines to ensure:
- each medicine prescribed corresponds to the medicines stored for each patient
- medicines available are in appropriate quantities, in-date and appropriately labelled (if appropriate)
- no discontinued medicines are available for administration