MHRA Alerts are changing their name

MHRA ‘Drug alerts’ and ‘company led Drug alerts’ will no longer be issued. These are being replaced by a ‘Medicines recall/notification’, which will have the same layout and format.

These changes are being made in line with the MHRA’s accreditation as an issuer of National Patient Safety Alerts. They will no longer issue any safety communication which is called an ‘alert’ unless it is a National Patient Safety Alert.

The key changes are detailed below:

Previous title

New title

Drug Alert: Class 1-4 Medicines Recall: Class 1-3
Drug Alert: Caution in Use, Class 4 Medicines Notification: Caution in use, Class 4
Company-Led Drug Alert Company-Led Medicines Recall/Notification


Please note that you don’t need to change anything related to your subscription if you already receive notifications from MHRA, this will happen automatically.

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